Ok... so
mobobocita poked me today... Gir...
Which is kind of an odd day for me...
here is a litle update for now...
A. I'm 100% Single...
B. Don't have and toys...
C. Really feeling the affects of the full moon...
Here is some light reading on how i'm feeling right now...
I feel Evil today... like... I should not be feeling this evil at work, at least this kind of evil...
I believe my theme for the day is the cause of this... or at least that is what i'm going to blame for now...
So as i was saying... I'm feeling Evil today...
Like I want to torture the fuck out of someone...
I want see the desire in their eyes as i take control of them...
Showing them how far their depths of desire really can go...
Bringing them to a natural state of euphoria...
I can feel this desire, this passionate urge to torture coursing through my veins...
This longing is torturous... Time seems to have stand still... all i can think about is this desire... and things i want to do... Like binding someone... causing them pain through lust... misery through passion and longing...
I want to be able feel... to know that everything they think and feel is caused by me...
Gahd I need to get an out let for all this bent up energy...
I feel so empowered right now...
and all i want to is torture someone...
Anyone that knows me knows how this is a snowball effect... it builds and buids and builds... because i have no outlet...