Ode to m'doggie

Nov 12, 2008 05:37

On July 31st 2006, we got our pet Niko. If you look at Aug 2nd, 2006, you can see that entry.
When we adopted him, he was 5 months old. I'm putting his birthday on Valentine's day.

As the months progressed, he grew and grew. I have a ton of great stories about him, but I think I'd like to show a picture board story of him, instead.

I'd like you to notice the little handcuffs attached to his costume on the right of the picture. This was Halloween 2006.

This is December 2006. He's a happy dog!

He loves to pose for the camera. 1/07

and loves his baby. 2/07

Chillin with daddy, watchin tv 03/07

Loves THIS baby most of all. 04/07

He's noticeably larger since we've gotten him

He thinks he's people, so this was a natural progression for him. 5/07

Always the "looker", 5/07

This has to be my fave pic of the mutt, he's saying "mmm tasty!" 06/07

and he's always sticking his tongue out at me! 06/07

See! 08/07

Too freakin' cute! 08/07

Oh yeah, and he has a few extra teeth, too. 09/07

BATDOG! 10/07


Xmas 07. Niko needed no assistance opening his xmas gifts!

I told you, he's people! 1/08

What a ham, erm, I mean hot dog. 10/08

Yeah, I love this dog...


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