Mar 16, 2005 18:34
I've been pondering the idea of Jesus Christ and how most people who worship him do it because they've been spoon-fed to believe that their entire lives. People really turn a blind eye when it comes to religion, because a lot of it is derived from their own selfish, petty desires; they think that if they throw themselves into submission for a great invisible lord, he will bestow upon them their petty desires. Why are people so ignorant? Why do they refuse to give any other possibilities an audience? I'm not against Christ, but I'm not preaching it either, I feel there are a lot more possiblities then people would like to believe. First of all, it is entirely possible that:
God is a tyrant.
That's right. Well we all know if such a being exists, that he is already a dictator, but not all dictators are bad. Dictator just means one who has absolute power, but throughout the years it's spawned a very negative connotation because America believes that anyone who thinks differently is an outlaw. What does have a negative connotation however, is the word tyrant. Let your imagination grasp for a moment that Jesus Christ and Satan are the same being. Perhaps God wants you to believe that Satan is evil so that he can more easily make you bow before him. "You see how terrible Satan is? You don't want to spend the rest of eternity with him do you? Thats why you should worship and love me, do everything I say, and practice all my rituals.", it could be another way to keep his image as a loving God rather than a spiteful one while still being tyrannical. Why else would God keep Satan around if he was such a threat? Maybe God just wants to keep you in check, maybe he keeps Satan around because he wants to be fair and let the people choose what they want. No matter how much you pray, you'll never know the truth.
Maybe Satan is his own being, but why is he evil? He was always the harbinger of God's wrath, he was the one who punished the corrupt sinners. Could Satan have been driven mad by the will of God? Or perhaps Satan just rebelled against what he felt was God's tyranny, he could have just had his own will and was outcast for it. Jesus Christ came down to Earth and preached views that were biased towards himself, Satan never blatantly did the same so we don't know both sides. Without Satan the plan in God's bible wouldn't work, why is that so evil? If Satan is just another gear in the machine why is that so wrong? Maybe Satan doesn't reside in Hell but in a different paradise, but Jesus Christ manipulated the people to believe that Satan and his kingdom were places of sorrow. No matter how much you pray, you'll never know the truth.