For my SSHG Prompts Recipient.

Jun 05, 2012 23:29

My likes and dislikes are as follows:

In fic: I dislike unrelenting angst for the sake of angst, Regency, as well as MLC or forced bondings of any kind. I can't abide rape!fic or torture pr0n, Misery Sue!Hermione, doormat!Hermione, dom!Snape or bastard!Snape. I don't like reading about extreme kinks unless they involve shoes,  so nothing beyond mild BDSM, e.g. tying up with silk scarves, please. That said, I much prefer plot and innuendo to explicit sex scenes or PWP. I'm not terribly fond of Snape-as-a-creature!fic or plots involving a de-aged Snape. I like my Snape like I like my wine: mature, velvety, and complex with subtle sweet and bitter notes. What I like best are humour, witty repartee/banter and romance/ drama between grown-up characters where HG and SS interact as equals, and Hermione can give as good as she gets. I also like mystery/adventure fics with lots of cleverness/ puzzles. I don't mind reading fic that falls into the horror/psychological suspense/dystopia genres. I also like reading about inventive magic, philosophy, literary references, travelogues, and fics that allow intelligent characters to explore ambiguious moral/psychological landscapes. I would prefer not to read pregnancy/kiddy fic. I’m not overly fond of the Weasleys, but they are okay in moderation and I prefer not to read gratuitous Ron bashing. I adore Luna Lovegood. She is my absolute favorite character in the Potterverse! I like Harry too. I also enjoy a Luscious!Lucius, as long as he's not depicted as an irredeemable sadist. I dislike the Marauders and Dumbledore.

Artwise, I don’t like photomanips in general, and find those involving Alan Rickman and Emma Watson squicky in the extreme. Neither of these actors is how I imagine the characters, so please avoid depicting them as such if possible in any artwork. My Snape is younger and leaner, far more angular and has longer hair. My Hermione not so obviously pretty. I don't really like chibi/anime styles, especially if Snape's prodigious nose has been prettified. I prefer traditional media to digital, but having said that, some of my favorite artists on dA are digital artists. I enjoy a wide variety of styles, and would be just as happy to receive craft as art.

Please feel free to use my writing prompts for art or vice versa if that is the direction your Muse is leading you. There is no need to slavishly follow the prompts either. If you need any further clarification, I'll be happy to reply via the Mods. Above all, have fun and rest assured that I will be more than grateful and pleased that someone has gone to the trouble of creating a gift for me.

Hope you have a blast writing/drawing/crafting!

ss/hg, exchange

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