The beebeeseeeee is just BRILLIANT!11!!

Feb 09, 2012 19:29

I have just discovered BBC Radio 4's Cabin Pressure. OMFG! I have not squeed and flailed and laughed so hard that I nearly wet myself several times over, for simply ages! I can't even... I have no words... except, BRILLIANT... and OTTERS and YELLOW CAR! And the Sherlock references, whether intentional or not... I nearly died laughing last night! So awesome! My brain is even spotting several HP references. I think I might literally have died and gone to crossover heaven!

OK, the number of exclamation marks and ellipses in this post have exceeded the annual quota allocated to any sane English person, so I'd better stop now... and get back to more of the insanity!

sherlock, silliness, cabin pressure, fandom, squee!

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