Dec 30, 2008 11:19
well these posts are getting longer in between each time. i always want to get on here to post but i just cant. idk why idk if its cause the internet is really slow or just cause i dont want to post. maybe i just want to shut everything out and not talk about things who knows. at the moment things are really shitty. and im going insane at home. like really i added like 200+ people on mobsters on myspace.
SVSU 2008
well my first college semster is over and my grades werent that good which is bad cause i only had one hard class. i finished with a 1.9 gpa with 14 credits. but theres an apostrophe next to it because a 4 credit class didnt count because i took high school math. a 3 credit class my comm class she messed up my grade by almost 2 letter grades so im wating on her to fix that. That women i cant stand. so instead of the c i got i will be getting either a A- or B+. My soc class i thought i failed it was extremely hard class. i studyied forever for that exam and still failed. So my new grades will b three b's one d and one b doesnt count. so not to bad for my first semster. I also did party a bit to which was fun. I also went home a lot to. So next semster will change a lot.
Im ready to go back omg. Next semster i have all easy classess from the looks of it. geography, psych, math, bio. Shouldnt be to hard since i have everything for the psych class already took the math and the bio class.So im going to try to get at least one A. I wont be going home a lot if at all. And ashley is up here so she will help me get through this semster. Im excited for next semster a lot more time on my hands which is good. I already applied to 5 restaurants last night so hopefully i can get a job by the time we get up there.
me and ashley are saving money now to go somewhere for spring break. Im hoping we can go. We have been wannting to do this for a while but something always comes up. im hoping cause that will be so much fun especially if some other people go with us.
Well im hoping i can get a full time job or two part time jobs. Cause i am not going to be able to stand sitting at home all summer long. plus i need money kinda bad.
well im not to sure who my friends are at the moment. I guess i could only say the people that i hang out with at saginaw are my friends. I come home thinking i had friends that wanted to hang out but they dont call they dont invite me anywhere. But if i had plans or partys i always invited them and then they go to things and say nothing to me. well thanks guys. And another friend only has time when he wants to have time for me. if i invite him places he doesnt show or call.
well im hoping me and somebody else at the moment idk who can get an apartment. cause i dont really want to leave saginaw and i dont want to be home. So im kinda waiting on a job. if i can get one and keep it till the end of the semster then i might move up there.
thats all for right now. still trying to figure out what to do for new years probably just go to ems. been invited to three different places.