May 28, 2005 11:59
okay so this weekend is a 3 day one. i am kinda happy about that. kinda. but monday is mem day adn my dad has no work. which mean he stays home. boo that sucks. i hate when he is home. all he does is bitch. like the other night he was like "why aren't you out here makins yourself sociable.?" bitch. bitch. bitch. is all he does. oh well. hes going to hell anyways. who cares about him anyhow. so i stopped wearing make-up for a while. eww let me just tell you. groose-est looking face i have ever look at. mine. yuck. SOL's are finaly over after a week of torture. i think i actually passed them. they were quite easy. on the bus yesterday after noon. me and kasey and isabel were all joking around, talking about oh you know vaginas, clits, and penis'. it was weak. me and kasey and isaebl decided to give each other nicknames, mine is Vagina. kasey's is Clit. and isabel's is none of than Penis. oh yesss. we are just too cool for school. i tell ya. i love them. kasey is just the best-est best friend anyone could ask for. isabel is just oh so very sweet and cool. i love her. she is also very extremely weak. and has the cool-est hair i have ever seen. whooo for cool hair. it makes me jealous. i have nasty-ass long hair and her is perfect and beautiful. damn hair to peices. so i have decieded that if i get fat oh well who cares. if i am hungry i am gonna eat. too bad if i gain a few pounds. it doens't bother me. i'm not about to starve myself. hmm. i am actually kinda hungry now. i'm gonna get a Almond Joy bar.! ahhh, back. this is yummy. i'm so lame. and i have decieded to admit that Myspace is addicting. and i am a fein. which, i think, is not that bad. everyone knows they are feins too. so there. oh and thanks to kasey my livejoural is totally pimped out. i an illerate when it comes to livejournal. its confusing. THANKS KASEY.