OMG! It's Marco!

Oct 03, 2006 22:04

So I was in the backseat of the mini van driving around Philly, looking for a parking spot. I was in a bad mood, and ignoring the conversations in the car, and staring out at the people on the sidewalk. There was a red light, and I saw this person in a very Marco-esk outfit, green shirt, shaggy dark, and I was like "lol, it's a Marco double" then I saw a Marco looking mom next to the Marco-esk outfit wearing person, and it hit me "Holy fucking cow! That is Marco!" (mind you this conversation was all in my head so far) so I yelled at my younger brother (he had the window seat) to roll down his window, and I yelled "MARCO!!!!!!!!!" He saw meh XD Yeah, so distracting him while he was crossing the street, not so good of an idea. Sorry Marco XD but I was too amazed not to yell out your name in greeting.

So yeah, that was the highlight of my day. The rest was spent at historical sites that we go to every year that we visit Aunt B.J. Nothing on these historic sites have changed, the still spread half-truths, and apparently the Chinese invented paper first. And here I thought Egpytians were the first, glad to have that cleared up. Anyway, my dad bought me off with the promise of a frappachino and so he took pictures of me, but you want to know what, I never got my damn frappachino, instead the bastard dumped us on our aunt, and went out to dinner with the mother. So much hate. Anyway, the dumping part happened later. We got done with the historical sites, and being checked to see if we were terrorists plotting to blow up the sites (really, who would want to blow up the liberty bell, or the liberty hall? really, terrorists go for places of values, but mostly people. Sorry Philly, but you are not attracting the massees for the historicals sites), we went to eat at Pat's cheese steaks. Yeah, since the parents are still thinking I'm a veggie, I got cheese fries.... You know what kind of cheese is used on their cheese fries, cheeze whiz. Mmhmm, it made me sicker then what I already was. To top it off, we ate that at 5ish, and that was our dinner. I didn't have time to eat breakfast, and my aunt has next to no food in her house. So yeah, for the next few days, I'm kind of screwed with eating. Think that's helping my sickness any? Yeah, no. I've been watching animes since we got back, and I'm bored out of my mind.

Yesterday, I was awakened with barely anytime to get dressed, and had to leave, the breakfast of yesterday was sunchips (I only got those because I was allowed to walk to 7 eleven, and then be picked up there on the way out). I got to spend a few hours at my Pop Ski's house, it's a lot smaller then what I had remembered, oh well. I slept for most of that. I was sleepy, so sue me. Then we went to go see the Meruvian Tile Factory, but we got lost at first, and ended up at this creepy looking castle, to me it looked like the hotel in that one ride at MGM (yeah, the name escapes me at the moment) mixed with an insane assylum. Then we went down this really pretty road drapped with trees on either side, it led up to another castle. Behind this castle, was the tile factory. The tile factory was for the most part boring, this one part was pretty creepy though. It was in the basement, under the stairs that brought you there, it was the dark circle area, I had watched my brother go through it, and back to the stairs, but I still felt like if I walked through there, I wouldn't come out. It was creepy, I got a seriously bad vibe from it, and did not go through it (even though I kind of wanted to). I didn't get to go in the two castles though, but all three places were built by the same guy.

Well, that was yesterday, and on Sunday for the most part we were driving. We stopped in Marlyand to visit my Aunt Carol, and my cousin Ryan. He ish the coolest person ever! He got me to play World of Warcraft, and I was a nightelf, and I got to kill things! I killed cute tigery things, and thistles. I also killed deer (they made thudding noises when they fell!) and bunnies (they squeeled when I keeled them). Then some user challenged me, and I lost u.u Oooo, and I got my character to act like a choochoo. And she told jokes, and laughed, twas amusing. Not only is Ryan a gaming person, but an anime freak XD He had a giant binder full of anime, and a smaller one too. He's burning me coping of some of his animes XD He owns some random titles ^^ He also wons a car that has a turbo drive, and he's planning on doing more to said car, he's insane, but funny XD I'm seeing him again on Saturday, and he's geefing me my anime.

Right so those were the major things, I guess. Anyway, in Philly, on South Street, they have the most amazing stores, I wasn't allowed to shop though >.< They had a lot of shops that Crim would have loved... and some random shops, if I want to shop there, I have to come back up, because we're not going into Philly again this trip (so meh aunt really lives in Bensalem, what eva).

Not only have I not really eaten well so far, but I haven't slept well either. I swear I'm having nightmares, but I can't remember them. I'm just not resting even though I'm sleeping. Which again is not helping me being sick. I don't like my the nightmares that I don't remember, I think there about things that haven't happened in this time, which bothers me. I don't want the scars to resurface, I know I can't handle them, that's why I'm not allowed to remember them. Oh well, as long as I don't remember them, I don't really care. Contradicting to writing, yeah I know, but getting it down wippes it away, and no more caring.

Right, I have an unstable internet connection, so I'll be online, but I won't answer ims, since half of them won't be recieved, and I don't want to put forth the effort when that's the case.

I'm in such a cheery fucking mood, don't mind me, it's the delirium speaking.

edit: some things are better left in the mind.
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