Singing and dancing

Apr 07, 2011 20:28

The host/organizer of the local shape-note singing group has gotten so busy and so out of town that we haven't met yet this year at all, and last year it was generally once a month if that (except when we were preparing for the Jefferson's Jigge concert), but this afternoon she sent out an email saying that at least for May we'll be on once a week and are returning to meeting Tuesday nights instead of Sunday afternoons. So yay to being back, and yay to no more Celtic Slow Session date/time conflicts.

After that I walked over to New Leaf (natural-foods grocery) and when I walked out again (with among other things about ten pounds of bananas) I was set upon by two Greenpeace people with clipboards. I said not right now, that I had recently gotten/renewed memberships with a bunch of organizations already, but then as I was walking away one of them called to me, "Greenpeace will amplify your voice!" Whoa, maybe I should have turned around and taken him up on that!

Tomorrow after Games Group I'll be continuing on a bit further down the road (Soquel) for my one, two, three, fourth year at the wonderful West Coast Queer Contra Dance Camp, another place where you will find one or more singing events :-) and where there's still some space if anyone else wants to show up.

celtic slow sessions, dancing, queer contra dance camp, shape-note singing

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