For kightp

Mar 07, 2010 23:57

Tonight's shape-note singing was actually more of a rehearsal for a concert we're going to be in (scroll down) featuring music from the time of Thomas Jefferson. The host and organizer, Shelley, was advising us to use vowels that were less California and more Cornwall, i.e. talk like pirates. She mentioned Talk Like A Pirate Day but didn't remember when exactly it was.

I immediately said that it was September 19, and people just *looked* at me and went quiet. I explained that it was the day before my younger son broccolipwns's birthday. Shelley said that it was now a completely "official" holiday, and when some people said they hadn't heard of it, others started piping up with "there's a web site" and "it even has a web site". I said, "I know the webmaster", and Shelley pumped her fist in the air and said "YESSS!!!" :-)

An issue I have for the concert is that we're supposed to wear white shirts, and my hair plus white shirts generally does not mix well (or actually, it mixes *too* well). Considering that I just redyed the dark purple and fuchsia yesterday, I would not even be able to try on a white shirt right now without immediately having to buy it for "breaking it", as it were. I could order a white version of one of these Lands' End mock turtlenecks I used to wear sometimes, but that's not exactly fancy, and I don't want anything that will be hot and make me feel like passing out. I guess I need some kind of white ruffle-y pirate shirt that will somehow magically both fit and not be hot!

An issue I had tonight was that my throat kept getting gunk in it, so I kept having to clear it and was annoyed. On one hand, when I got this cold a week and a half ago I was pleased that it seemed to be limited to having some gunk in my throat and lungs and completely skipping the runny nose and headache parts, but on the other hand, enough is enough!

For those who know what I'm talking about here, the songs we will be singing in the concert are New Jerusalem, Virginia, and Jefferson, and Shelley found some additional verses for the latter two.

health, shape-note singing, concerts

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