(no subject)

Apr 21, 2007 08:43

I'm sitting here eating sliced peaches out of a can (what can I say, for some reason I got a craving for them when broccolipwns and I went down that aisle of the supermarket last night) and shopping for a Vista laptop.

violetclm is in the dorm-overnight stage of a visit to Linfield College up in kightp-land, another school he was accepted to with scholarships and grants pretty much covering full tuition. When he visited Cornell College last week his dorm hosts were of the partying variety (I've seen the claim that the more social types are more likely to volunteer for such things, whereas someone who is quiet and studious may think they wouldn't provide a guest with much entertainment), but the person he's staying with right now is into board games and science fiction books, so they should be a better match.

Wednesday was the last session of my Sight-Singing and Ear Training class. On one hand it would have made a lot of sense for the class to be the normal 15 or 16 weeks long instead of 9 (probably half the stuff on the syllabus never happened, everything was very choppy in general, and even the instructor claimed not to know why it was a short-term class), but on the other hand I was used to the idea that this was when it would end, and it'll be nice to go back to being able to hang out longer after broccolipwns's Wednesday-afternoon improv classes. Anyway, we were singing a minuet in four-part harmony using solfege, which was definitely reminding me of shape-note singing (and as mentioned before, the class even has another shape-note singer in it to help such associations along).

Speaking of such things, I wish I could go to today's Golden Gate All-Day Sacred Harp Singing (which even got a mention in yesterday's New York Times), but unfortunately the scheduling is just not working for me right now. Hopefully the Santa Cruz group will soon be having meetings again now that the usual hosts are back from their world travels.

shape-note singing, classes

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