In Which I Humbly Submit Myself For Inspiration.

Apr 11, 2009 23:00

So, the kink meme moves way too fast for me, these days. But I love prompts. So I thought to myself, "Hey, there are a bunch of totally awesome folks who read my journal, plus I really like posting things that might nudge lurkers out of their hidey holes. I have an idea!"

Gimme a character or pairing (do I really have to say "from Hetalia?" This is a Hetalia fanworks journal. Fine, just to be safe, from Hetalia), and a historical event or era, and I'll write a fic about it. At least a drabble, but maybe it'll spin out into something longer. You can be as vague as "World War II," I'm not picky. Just ask for one of these categories as well: Something Happy, Something Horrible, or Just Make It Hot, Please. Edit! Crack category added.

I'm fine with doing the same character or pairing in multiple categories, but if somebody's already requested that pairing in that category, I'd appreciate a different request. Also, cognitive dissonance is win. If you want to see a Battle of Hastings France/England fluff fic, that would be weird and hilarious and I'd totally go for it. (Doing things the normal way is also totally fine, of course.)

All slots are now filled! Thanks, you guys, I've got stuff to write for ages! =D

1. Filled - France/Joan of Arc, for tauruschick12
2. America/the 1920s: trendsetting, for rotifora
3. England/Elizabeth I: proposal, for twistedsheets10
4. Lithuania/Poland, defeat of the Teutonic Knights, for whaleabc
5. Filled - Russia/America, the Great Blizzard of 1888, for gngstermoney32

1. England/Spain - the Religious Reformation, for tanya_tsuki
2. France/Austria - the execution of Marie Antoinette, for littleduchess
3. Filled - Russia, Prussia - the Battle of the Ice, for clover_magic
4. England, Russia - Soviet spies, mid-late 1920s, for ryoku_chan
5. England, Richard III - the Princes in the Tower confrontation, for piratelicker

1. Filled - France/America, post-WW1: the lost generation, for jinsai
2. Canada/Cuba, for wizzard890
3. Filled - Seme!Yandere!UK/US, modern, July 4th, for crosswhisper
4. China/Russia, modern, 'cause he can, for picseanenigma
5. Prussia/N.Italy, the Austro-Prussian War, for tauruschick12

1. Canada, stealing credit for burning DC, for paperclipchains
2. Allied forces playing Risk, for nittle_grasper
3. Filled - Alien invasion, for windmilltilter
4. America's awful, angsty collapse, for almyki
5. Metric/America, for ryian

Oh, and I don't make any promises about doing them in order or anything. EDIT: Oh, oh! And, one request at a time. But if I've filled an old request, you can make a new one. Also, I added a new category, for crack. You don't need to give me a historical setting for these, and the pairing can make absolutely zero sense, but you have to pitch me your premise in five words or less. Why? Dunno, no reason. Sounds more fun that way? I'm not being wicked formal about this, I guess.

So like. Yeah.

discuss, fanfic

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