Paperclipchains: He's a little shiny
Pyrrhic Comedy: He's POLAND!
Paperclipchains: Hahahaha
Pyrrhic Comedy: Of COURSE he's shiny!
Pyrrhic Comedy: It was all I could do not to cover him with GLITTER and RAINBOWS!
By the way, what is with all the hate for fan art on the comm, lately? This fandom is so blessed to have so many talented artists, but it seems like a lot of people would like nothing better than to drive them all away. I was thinking of posting these portraits to the community now that I have a few of them saved up, but after all the wank, I'm thinking I'll pass.
EDIT: Oh, also, do you guys have any requests for short fics, or something? Because I'm all ears. The kink meme is going live again, and that's scary and impossible to keep up with, and I need little projects to tide me over while
wizzard890 and I work out the details on our collaboration thingy. (I am so excited about that.)