;_______; I don't know much about the German resistance beyond what little I learned in class, but I admired them for their courage. Wonderful job, the ending just broke my heart. You captured a lot of emotion in very few words.
Thank you so much, I'm really glad that came through. I sort of hold the White Rose in reverence, you know? Just because it was an unsuccessful resistance doesn't mean their courage and grace is any less meaningful.
*nodnod* They were amazingly courageous people. It breaks my heart to think of what they went through. Holding a resistance in the midst of Nazi Germany was undoubtedly of one of the hardest things to do in modern history.
Also, I have to admit that this hit a silly, insignificant personal chord because my own name is Sophie and that just stood off the page, lol.
There's an absolutely wonderful movie about her final days that you can watch on YouTube, if that interests you. It's in German with English subtitles, and it's painstakingly accurate, down to the courtroom procedures. It's about an hour and a half long? And it turns me into a big sobby girl.
O.o Oh man. *bookmarks* Can't watch it until this weekend, but I will try! Thanks for giving me the link. :3 I love learning when I'm not forced to do it by a teacher, haha.
Also, I have to admit that this hit a silly, insignificant personal chord because my own name is Sophie and that just stood off the page, lol.
Yes, yes, everyone, go watch it if you haven't already done so.
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