Title: Still Cold
Originally posted: Here.
Length: 1,500 words.
Characters/Pairings: Russia/America.
Premise: Russia/America...fluff? Sort of?
Time period: Modern.
Smuttiness: 1/10
Funnyness: 0/10
Wrist slashiness: 3/10
Lolhistoryness: 3/10
Violence: 1/10
Would I like it?: Well, I don't. There was something about their relationship that I was
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Comments 21
Also, the "America could never say, for example: What the fuck do you all expect from me, anyway?" part. EXACTLY. Thank you. Europe really doesn't have the right to criticize us when they were the ones who forced us out of political isolation in the first place =( All we wanted was to trade and blockade-run.
And tell you how awesome you are for writing this, and to thank you for sharing, and to beg you to continue to do so.
Can I please just say that America's little shpeal, the one that begins "What the fuck do you all expect from me, anyway?", is really the first of its kind I've seen written for Hetalia fandom in addressing this whole way-the-world-perceives-America issue. The usual interpretation is to make America (adorably, idiotically) blind in his self-righteousness -- which definitely has its support in canon. But I think this interpretation does, too. And I like it. I like it a lot.
Constitutes a real-world view, too, which makes it doubly interesting.
I dislike interpretations of America that show him as generally clueless. Brash, yes; inconsiderate, yes; terribly prone to getting caught up in his own momentum and missing important details, yes. But I think it's a lot more interesting to give him a bit of credit. I think America is clever, and very sensitive to changing moods around him, but due to a variety of character traits (optimism, overconfidence, idealism, repression, etc etc etc) acts like an idiot anyway. There's just more to play with that way.
When I first saw this fic, I went out of my way to save it in word, which I so rarely do just because even when I like fics, I don't reread them very often. And I'm not even much for Russia/US (although you're leading me that way...) The dynamic was excellent, really.
omg Kyouya \o/
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