
Mar 28, 2010 18:28

A status update on Emily!

"So this is going to be the least intelligible, most poorly-spelled email ever.

But hi. I am alive. I am not home from the hospital yet, but I've been moved out of ICU after about a half a billion tests. They still don't know what's wrong with me; my heart is fine, my lungs are fine, and my brain is fine. Also my body is ~so fine~ (um. this is probably a good example of why I shouldn't be typing to anyone right now)

Anyway, I am boring right now, but I just wanted to let you know that I am okay, and I miss you and I love you.


I think I'm just as relieved that she's feeling well enough to make stupid jokes as I am that she's out of the ICU. XD

If you had wanted to contribute to Emily's carepackage but couldn't think of what to do, seraphoftales had a beautiful idea! Fold a few origami cranes (instructions on how here), snap a picture of them, and post your picture to this thread to send Emily your best wishes!

This should be my last Emily status update, since hopefully she'll be able to post the next one herself. Thank you for your patience and kindness, everyone. =D

um hi

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