This is why I love research.

Feb 21, 2010 18:57

Really, I am posting to ask all my nice readers if they can tell me anything about the nightlife during the (post-Stalin) Communist era. It's for a fic, obviously. I'm especially interested in Russia, Poland, and the GDR. Would anybody feel like telling me what the kids used to do for fun? It'd be way way way appreciated. This is turning out to be surprisingly hard to research on my own.

But also, I want to share something with you all that I found while I was on my search. See, I somehow ended up reading about the (present day) elite Moscow club scene. And I find, just buried in amongst the vodka slammer recipes and the fashion reviews and the skanky supermodels, a club event called--

Are you ready for this?

A club event called Spank America Decent.

The go-go dancers in the pictures were all dressed up in red white and blue, stars and stripes, etc. Cowboy hats. And so forth. There was a stripper with a wooden pony in one photo, like the kind kids tuck between their legs and run around on when they're pretending to be John Wayne.

Guys, I couldn't make up something this sublime if I tried.

Fic? Please? Somebody? Like now? I will be your slave for a week if I see fic of this. Interpret it however you want. I just. I need this. I need this in my life.

i am curious about everything, discuss

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