What are you having for dinner tonight?

Dec 21, 2009 20:52

Oh my God, that sounds delicious. How do you make it?

So I was talking about cooking with nym_aulth recently, and it occurred to me that you guys eat. You're also from a lot of interesting places. I bet some of you are even pretty good cooks. And maybe you'd like to add some more variety to your meal rotation, too!

Here's a cooking measurements converter (cups to grams and so on) and a Celsius/Fahrenheit converter, for anybody who wants to try anybody else's recipe but has no idea wtf they're talking about. Also, recipes that call for ingredients that can't be obtained except for at ultra-pricey import boutiques for most of the rest of the world will get you frowny-faced. You know the kind of things I'm talking about.

I'll go first to prove that I am in good faith. All of my measurements are in American.


This is the most tender, flavorful chicken I have ever tasted. Better? It looks really impressive. Your parents will go apeshit. Best? It only takes about an hour to make. God I love lazy cooking.

6-8 portions of chicken; thighs are ideal. 2 whole breasts can be substituted. Salt and pepper these beforehand to taste.
1 cup sliced mushrooms
2 tablespoonfuls of olive oil
6 whole, peeled garlic cloves
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
3/4 cup chicken broth
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 tablespoonful of butter

(1) heat oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and saute chicken until it's golden on one side (approximately 5 minutes).

(2) Add garlic. Turn breasts and scatter mushrooms over them. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring the mushrooms and garlic to prevent from searing.

(3) Add balsamic vinegar, chicken broth, bay leaf, & thyme. Turning the chicken occasionally, simmer over medium-low heat for approximately 10 minutes, or until the chicken is stained a deep, attractive brown on both sides.

(4) Transfer chicken to a platter and cover with aluminum foil. Continue simmering the sauce for another 5-10 minutes on medium-high. Swirl in butter and discard bay leaf.

(5) Arrange chicken over a bed of pasta (green angel hair pasta looks gorgeous with this dish, but anything is fine). Pour sauce over the chicken and serve. You won't look like you have a great deal of sauce, but it's plenty enough to make your pasta taste toe-curlingly good.

For a completely different taste and a much heartier dish, try adding a whole can of crushed tomato in with step 3.

OKAY, I FED YOU. NOW IT'S YOUR TURN. The only other request I have to make? If you try somebody's recipe, let them know! Leave a comment saying how it went/what you substituted/whatever else! I'm certain we'd all love to know that we brought something delicious into somebody else's life.


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