This is my big gay thank you post.

Aug 02, 2009 09:06

Um...gosh. I don't usually do this kind of thing...I feel like I'm breaking the fourth wall, or something, by not including any fandom-related presents in this post. But um...h-hi, everybody.

I really didn't know what to expect when I put up my reverse request post. I was pretty uncomfortable about posting it at all, because...I don't know; even though I'm always delighted to read other people's prompts, when it was my turn, it felt kind of jerksome and entitled to just ASK for stuff. So, I was sort of hoping I'd get to see one or two fills of things I've always wanted to see in this fandom, but I was also sort of hoping that the whole post would just be ignored, out of the fear that people would be like "Why Pyrrhic, how dickish of you. Asking for things, my word." (I know it's stupid, but I really do think like this.)

Um...God, I'm really bad at this...I try not to talk about my personal thoughts and feelings in this journal, because I've always felt that just because you enjoy reading my fics, that doesn't mean you're under any obligation to take an interest in me as a person. But I feel like I kind of have to make an exception--I hope that's okay--because so many of you turned out to fill my requests, and--I'm touched. I mean...really touched. I don't know what I did to get such a wonderful, generous friends list. Thank you.

I think I managed to add all of you to friends who filled things for me? If not, please speak up. And to those of you who said you were going to fill something, but haven't finished it yet, or maybe you've realized that it'd be a lot of work, and you don't really want to do it anymore, and then oh God, now you can never show your face around here again, because now you've reneged on a promise, and oh God, the shame--thank you, too. Just the fact that you'd even want to do something for me really means a lot to me. (And you can totally show your face around here again, don't be silly.) I-I hope I can get to know you all better? I, um, jeez...I know I can be kind of reclusive and hard to get in touch with, but that was a really nice thing you all did, and I could use more classy people like you in my life. So, um. So I'll try. Okay. That's all I had to say. Just...just thank you guys. A lot.

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