Vegan Cheesecake

Dec 25, 2009 00:24

I was just trying to share my recipe for vegan cheesecake, and it's disappeared from the internet! So I'm putting it here for safe-keeping. Or something...

Vegan Cheesecake

* 3 tubs Tofutti plain vegan cream cheese
* 1 cup sugar
* 1/4 cup lemon juice
* 2 tsp vanilla
* 1/4 cup flour
* ready-made pie crust

* Mix the "cream cheese", lemon juice, vanilla and sugar together in a mixing bowl. Once smooth, fold in the flour, mixing well.
* Pour into pie crust
* Bake at 180deg for 30-40 minute, until the top just starts to turn brown. Refrigerate overnight.
* Sprinkle with dutch cinnamon and serve.

Note: If vegan pie crust is unavailable, a vegan crust can easily be made by mixing a packet of plain biscuits (eg. Nice biscuits) with Nuttlex or other vegan margarine.

I make my own base in the blender first, and press it into a lined and well greased spring-form tin. Then using the same blender (without washing it!) I make the cheesecake part - saves on dishes.

* Berry cheesecake - scatter frozen berries over the base before pouring on the cheesecake mixture. For extra effect, then take a 1/4 cup berries and blend them with a stick blender, carefully swirl it through the cheesecake before baking. The swirl below was made by carefully dripping the berry juice onto the cheesecake mixture using a teaspoon, forming a spiral. Then I used a chopstick to drag the swirl: starting at the centre, drag the stick to the edge. Do this 6-8 times, evenly spaced. Then midway between the existing drag lines, starting from the edge, drag the stick to the centre. Look at the piccy if that made no sense!
* Chocolate fudge - I once made up a batch of vegan chocolate fudge (must find that recipe too) and put a layer of fudge on top of the base, and similarly swirled some though after pouring. I seem to remember it was hard to cut but incredibly tasty :)


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