Nov 30, 2008 08:46
Driving along in the car yesterday, we hear some plaintive moos from the back seat.
Us: "What's wrong?"
E: "I'm a Mummy cow... Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
Us: "OK, Mummy cow, what's happening?"
E: "My baby cow is about to hatch from my bummy!"
Us: *look at each other in surprise*
Pretty close, kiddo, pretty close.
Once we were home she was cradling her imaginary baby cow in her hands, giving it a big cuddle and trying to let it drink from her "breasts" (that's the word she uses). Then inside she was teaching it to crawl all around the house.
So cute! I haven't seen pretend play quite like that before.