Does anyone have any weird/wonderful/crazy websites that I can kill a few hours with?
I'm desperately trying not to spend any money at the moment so I'm staying home and generally being anti-social for the next week or two but boredom is really starting to set in. There are only so many hours you can spend on or
ohnotheydidnt before you start wanting to eat your own hair.
I'm even starting to get bored of LJ.
I did watch TNA tonight though. I'm starting to develop a major girl crush on Daffney to go along with the ones I already have on Angelina Love and Velvet Sky. The little goth girl in me that likes to play dress up really wants to raid Daffney's wardrobe.
And Samoa Joe... A few weeks ago he was beating AJ and telling him his "Nation of Violence was a nation of one" and now he's riding to his rescue? The way this is being written and acted out makes it look like Joe has a crush on him. It's very, very weird - especially when you consider how canon is dealing with AJ and Daniels' "relationship".
Okay ladies. Who has a secret booking job with TNA and isn't telling us?!
And the fact that the Motor City Machine Guns have "Detroit" written on their tights in Japanese (well, Katakana - デトロイト) amuses me highly ^_^
I think it's Persona 4 time again.