Luck is for losers.... maybe?

Apr 16, 2013 00:53

I had a rather freaky stroke of (bad) luck today.

Everyday on Underland (GACKT's mobile phone site) you can have your fortune told. It gives you a lucky GACKT phrase, lucky colour, lucky song and tells you your luck out of 7 possible levels.

1. GACKT luck (楽吉, hahahahaha)
2. Big luck
3. Little luck
4. Luck
5. Future luck
6. Bad luck
7. Super terrible bad luck
[may not be super accurate translations there]

Everyday since this started I've had 4 and above - mainly 3 and 4.

Today I had number 7 - super terrible bad luck.

(At least Gakucchi is sad about it)

I don't believe in fortune telling so I laughed it off and set out for my first day back at work after a month off (and I'm still ill by the way so it's already starting out as a bad day!) For some reason this morning I put on all three of my h.Darts bracelets - YOU, six gem and onyx, in that order. I don't usually wear them all for work and in fact, never wear the YOU one for work at all.

The day was going fine... until my six gem decided to just disintegrate on me and snap into pieces. It hadn't looked frayed or damaged in any way so I was really surprised when it fell apart on me, and as it's always the one I wear in the middle I would have expected that if I had caught the bracelets on anything it would have been the safest and one of the others would have broken instead.

It's my favourite one of the three :-/

Anyway, I tweeted about it and said I might repair it and was told by a couple of people that it was considered bad luck to do so, with excused_early pointing out that GACKT himself says it's bad luck and that the reason they break is due to protecting you, so you should never wear them again.

Like I say, I'm not superstitious and if I had received a prediction of super terrible bad luck from a shrine or a random fortune teller in the street I wouldn't be thinking twice about it, but having super terrible bad luck predicted by GACKT's website and then one of his bracelets breaking as they're supposed to when they absorb terrible luck.... yeah. I'm not fixing it.

It's just such a crazily spooky coincidence.

It can stay broken in it's box.

Bye, bye, six gem. I may replace you, if h.Darts ever get their asses in gear.

deep thoughts alert, gackt, wtf

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