Akumu-chan Episode 10 spoilers

Dec 17, 2012 00:01

Everything under the cut is a spoiler for Episode 10. I need somewhere to squeal and vent, and under an LJ-cut is the best place I think...

Firstly, I knew it! I said to a couple of people after Episode 9 that Shiki was protecting them, not trying to get Akumu-chan for himself as the things he said did not tie into being a bad guy at all. Who tells someone to run away and believe them if they're being 100% evil?? I didn't expect it to be a water pistol though, hahahaha.

Ahhhh, it was just such an EVIL episode. Finally there's proper confirmation that he did love her for her and not just because of Akumu-chan and that she felt the same (gudsfgsdkjfgdskjf, his "ureshii yo" when she said it) and then... THAT happens.

Okay, I guess it was sweet that he jumped to his "death" so that the precognitive dream wouldn't come true and she wouldn't kill him but still....

I thought it was pretty obvious he wasn't working with the mafia/"financial" guys too, although I didn't expect them to use Ayami against him like that. When his kouhai was explaining everything I was just turning more and more into mush, hahaha.

I don't think he's dead though. The precognitive dream came true (other than the method of death) and in that dream Yumeoji said goodbye to Ayami, just like Shiki did. We know Yumeoji is back next week as he's in the preview and I'm hoping against hope that Shiki shows up too and they get their happy ending. I believe from the story synopsis that Yumeoji shows up to help rescue Akumu-chan from the coma/whatever she's fallen into, but I'm still hoping dammit! There's also the fact that in that photo posted on the Akumu-chan FB from GACKT's final shooting day of him, Kitagawa Keiko and Kimura Manatsu, the location and clothes don't match anything that's happened yet...

But yeah... just... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH. Shiki. Oh Shiki *sniff*

I'm not going to be able to see the final episode for quite some time as I'll be on holiday and without my laptop to download/stream it.

If I get spoiled, I'm going to whack the person who spoils me with a pumpkin.

A pumpkin lined with lead. And explosives.

I was kinda spoiled for this week, and it really, really takes the fun out of it.

I so need to buy this when it comes out on DVD/blu-ray next year.

gackt, major fangirling squeeness

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