Quick check in...

Mar 21, 2012 09:12

We have a later start today so we're all chilling in the house and abusing the wifi. I'm on my iPhone so don't expect anything too long here!

Arrived in Ishinomaki safely early Monday morning and after a quick stop for breakfast and to clean up, it was straight out. The first two days were spent in the beautiful mountains building a wall for a slightly crazy Ojiisan (aren't they all slightly crazy though?!). This entailed picking up lots of rocks and throwing them around.

In the snow.

The area is right on the coast and the devastation here from the tsunami is terrible. Entire neighbourhoods have disappeared, there are lots of more stable buildings that are just completely gutted and only empty shells are left behind...

They say 10,000 people are still living only in the second floor of their homes because the first floor is still inhabitable. People are still without water and having to rely on a temporary public bath. It seems like everyone has a story and they are all terrible.

It's a really positive atmosphere though. We had a group of high school kids from Shizuoka with us yesterday and they were all adorable and worked hard. The community is really rallying around and doing everything they can to help.

The people volunteering with the same group as me are such an odd bunch and mix, but they're all wonderful. Things in the house run very smoothly, and we have a cat that kinda adopted the house (as cats do, hahahaha)

Looking forward to the rest of my time here!

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

real life, japan, tohoku, via ljapp

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