GACKT & hyde on TokyoFM 2012.02.25

Feb 25, 2012 14:31

In the early hours of this morning GACKT and hyde were guests on TokyoFM - separately though, not together!

I didn't record GACKT's first appearance, but it was a quiz. He asked what the first record he bought was and the three options were all classical. The caller was a 17 year old girl from Kouchi Prefecture who initially got it wrong (hahaha) but was given chance to rethink and then correctly stated Chopin 'Etudes'. GACKT then talked about his love of Chopin and classical music for a little while, but he's done that before.

Here are the other parts -
GACKT Part 2 - (11MB)
GACKT Part 3 - (10MB)
GACKT Part 4 - (8MB)
GACKT Part 5 - (14MB)
hyde - (30MB)

Yes, there was a lot of GACKT... None of them are that long - hyde's is longer because they played a couple of Laruku songs.

If you missed it, here's GACKT's appearance on bayfm on 2012.02.23 -

gackt, downloads

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