Feb 24, 2005 10:51
sitting in chemistry. not doing much. supposed to be working on a test. that's not happening really. yesterday was the first day i worked in 4 days. it was a nice break after working over 3 weeks straight. good weekend. wasn't really home. staying up until 6:30 in the morning was fun. zach's car is almost done. not a whole lot of things are getting accomplished, in my life at least, but i'm fine with that. supposed to have started packing saturday. it's now thursday and i haven't at all yet. i did, however, pick up a box and look at it.
in other news, some people really piss me off. they get into people's business all the time even though it's not their place, but as soon as someone gets into their business or even someone else's that person gets pissed off because they don't think that you have the right to anyone else's lives. only they can get into everything. and then there are the people who are just douchebags. i think sprayberry holds the record for the highest concentration of douchebags in one area. then there are the stupid drivers. i got passed last night like i was standing still when i was driving in pouring rain going 45. i really want people like that to crash. i don't want it because they piss me off, but more to teach them a lesson. i think i've been riding with zach too long and now his asshole magnetism has worn off on me. (if you've never ridden with zach then you don't know what i mean, i'm not calling him an asshole.)
in other news, kohl's is good. props to mark for finishing the video for me, even though i can't watch it right now because this computer sucks. if there's anything else you care to know about my boring life, then you know how to find out. bye people.