Nov 02, 2007 01:22
Well, well, well what do we have here? It's me actually contributing something to society. I did 3 runs tonight, all within walking distance of eachother too - but why walk if you have my car >D
This also gave me a chance to put the new mods through there paces, never know when you might have t drive away fast, right ? *grins*
Not had any special jobs in a while, think i'll pick up some more candles.....
This place seems good enough. Sure, I still have to unpack everything, but it's more than workable, and WAY better than my last place, and the backseat of my car ( not that my backseat isn't a good place to be at times, heh *wink*) - but best of all nobody knows where it is yet >D
I think i'll head out and take a look at the ol'neighbourhood, I could use a walk, and I wanna see if there's anything fun to do around here *stretches*
Hmm, gotta charge the cell
Catch ya later *salutes*