So, I have a Six Flags season pass. It cost the same amout as a regular admission. Drawback? I have only one week left to use it. Also: Me + Sun - Sunscreen = not that great of an idea. Also: Kingda Ka, while fun, is not worth a 4-hour line. And, though nobody who reads this knows him (not that anyone actually reads this), Gerry is totally gay.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How would
magnoliablues62 conquer the world? With a no-pants policy
2) Does
techchic travel a lot? other than to/from school/jobs, I don't think so
3) What is
waytoostrange's shoe size? 11? I have no idea.
4) What rank would
jenn_with_2_ns have in a giant robot army? Cuddleinator
5) If
waytoostrange took over the world, who would suffer? people who had it coming
6) Where did you first meet
lizbobious? Santa Fe
7) If
jenn_with_2_ns and
spaztck were spliced together, what would be its name? Jenna. Or Jeann. Or Hybrid H-2039u5
8) If
majinman was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Conductorman
9) Do
techchic and
andfromthefire go to the same school? no
10) What mental disorder does
ontheroxmartini remind you of? that one where you overwork yourself and are awesome.
11) Does
blackcherryboy have a dog? I think so
12) Is
neouzuki single? unless I missed something
13) Is
raleighhimself a high school student? not anymore
14) What is
ontheroxmartini's favorite food? something?
15) Which of your friends should
techie8402 go out with? I think she'd have a problem if she didn't go out with her boyfriend
16) Would
violinangel and
techie8402 look good together? they might, in a picture. But as a couple? Not really.
17) Where was
babybeccat born? FL?
18) Did
majinman break up with you? no, it was mutual. I mean...
19) If
lizbobious commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? squirrels
20) What would
babybeccat think of
jenn_with_2_ns? she's awesome.
21) What is
raleighhimself's favorite color? red?
22) Is
fallingtears your best friend? she's a good friend.
23) What color should
magnoliablues62 dye their hair? truthfully, I can't imagine her with any color other than her natural
24) When did you last call
daydreamer223? less recently than I should have
25) Would
magnoliablues62 go out with
daydreamer223? neither of them are lesbians.
26) Which president would
majinman be likely to idolize? I dunno, did any of them play tuba?
27) Could you see
magnoliablues62 and
waytoostrange together? no, but I've also had a hard time imagning her with people who she's actually dated
28) What is
waytoostrange's favorite band/artist? something metal, I'd imagine.
29) What animal does
spaztck remind you of? a sheep
30) Is
kierkier friends with
violinangel? no