Warped Tour

Jul 30, 2006 15:29

Warped Tour was yesterday. Although it was the worst of the three I've been to, I still had fun. Picked up Desiree, Sara, and Brittany then went down to Detroit.

Got there then looked around for the lineup board. Found that, and listened to a band playing at the stage next to it. They were really good, but I forget their name. Oh well. Then went to Alexisonfire cause Desiree wanted to see them. Saw Sandra for the first time in many years.

I stayed for a bit, then left after .44 Caliber Love Letter to get some food. Met up with Katie Jozwiak and walked around to show her where the lineup was posted. The Casualties were playing, and the stage was close enough to the lineup board for me to hear it. I seriously hate them. They are posers. People who listen to them are posers that need to be slapped. Then, went to watch the Weakend. They're really good. Haha. Left after they played This is for the Understanding that we will Never be Understood, to go see Anti-Flag.

Anti-Flag never ceases to amaze me. The crowd was throwing so much stuff around aimlessly like a half minute before showtime. When Pat got onstage and sat down behind the drums, the whole crows just swarmed towards the stage. They have so much energy and can get a crowd so pumped. This time they didn't talk as much, which was cool because that means they played one or two more songs than usual. It was so damn hot though...and I had to leave the pit more than usual. Great performance by those boys though.

Fuck Police Brutality
One People, One Struggle
Death of a Nation
This is the End, for you my Friend
Got the Numbers
The Press Corpse
Die for your Government

Then I scurried over to Less Than Jake with a few people that were going that way too.

I was really excited, because I've never seen Less Than Jake live. They were already playing "Look What Happened" before I got into the crowd. It was hot as hell but I ignored it. Skanked, moshed, sang with people...had lots of fun. Chris pointed somebody out and said "We saw that guy driving over here, and my dad said 'would you look at the fuckin hair on that kid?!?!? Jeez, kids these days." Funny stuff.

Look What Happened
Gainsville Rock City
Sugar in your Gas Tank
Everything is Overrated
Johnny Quest thinks We're Sell-Outs
The Science of Selling Yourself Short
Sobriety is a Business and Business Ain't so Good
My Very Own Flag

Then I walked around a bit, took a break. Found Danielle Berry and Blake, and talked to them for awhile, and listened to Saves the Day play "At your Funeral." Then I went to buy an Anti-Flag shirt. They were signing stuff, but the line was waaaay too long. I decided to get my shirt and go see Rise Against...cause I hadn't seen them in two years.

For some reason, Tim kept changing the way he sang. It kind of annoyed me. I didn't like it...but oh well. The pits were starting to get less and less intense. I punched this dude in the stomach, and then apologized. Hahaw. He was cool about it. Then I went head to head with some guy, and it hurt really bad. Had to stop for a bit. And it was getting LESS intense...lolo

State of the Union
Black Masks and Gasoline
Chamber the Cartridge
Dancing for Rain
Ready to Fall
Like the Angel
Anywhere but Here
Give it All

After that, I walked around and talked to people. Got something to drink, then as I was walking around aimlessly, I found Danielle Phelan and her cousin. Talked to them, and went with them to see Chiodos.

K, for Chiodos, this guy(probably Craig) dressed up as an old man and said something like "At the beginning of time, a group of men born in hell was given the task of creating amazing music and smoking lots of pot," blah blah blah. Waste of time. The music was good, but that opening thing sucked. Left halfway through to get food, and then went back for the rest.

Setlist: (from what I remember)
Expired in Goreville
All Nereids Beware
One Day Women will all become Monsters
There's no Penguins in Alaska
Baby You Wouldn't Last a Minute on the Creek

Then, I pretty much went and sat down until it was time for the Bouncing Souls. Had a frozen lemonade....and there were so many small lemon rinds in it I almost shoved it up someone's ass. Sat around with Brittany, Desiree and Sara until I decided it was time to go see the Souls. Went back to the Anti-Flag tent, and got my shirt signed by Justin Sane. Great guy. Gorgeous, too. Hahahaw

The Bouncing Souls are really great live. Greg comes out in a white long sleeve dress shirt and white pants...and when he started to sweat, it was all like see-through. Haha. The pits kinda got more intense, but died down by the last song. Their songs are so good live. Every one has like a beat you feel, and really get into.

Sing Along Forever
Say Anything
East Coast, Fuck You
That Song
Hopeless Romantic
Private Radio
Lean on Sheena
Kate is Great
The Gold Song
True Believers
*I love bands with short, fast songs. The ones that can fit 11 songs into a half hour set. Tehehe

Went back to the Anti-Flag tent, bought a sticker, walked to get a Gatorade, then sat down to wait for NoFX. I decided not to go into the pits anymore. I was feeling really sick from the heat, and didn't want to ruin any of the shit I was carrying.

When NoFX got onstage, Fat Mike was like "It's our turn...but we gotta wait for those guys to be done.(some whiney, girly like Aiden or the Acadamy Is...someone like that.) So he yells "HEY, DUMBFUCKS! STOP PLAYING! It was great. During the first song, it got really loud out of nowhere. After the song Mike said "someone hit the wrong button...we got like, AFI loud right there." And they kept making fun of the crowd and Detroit...saying they haven't played here in four years. But it't not cause they don't like us, it's cause they like New York better. Haha. And out of nowhere they all go "ooooooh" cause according to Fat Mike, some girl fell on her tits. They let her onstage haha. They had five songs left to play and only four minutes, which sucked. I don't remember much of the setlist, and they played a lot of new stuff


What's the Matter with Parents Today
Stickin in my Eye
Eat the Meek
Murder the Government
You're Wrong
The Brews

I left early to go see Motion City. Found Danielle and Blake in the crowd. They're really goooood, but Justin Pierre sounded way different at times. Didn't like it, but didn't care. I missed the first song, but I was just happy to get there. Inbetween songs, Justin said "I love it when people throw shoes...shoes make shows better!." and he kept trying to catch them. haha. He fucked up during a song, and it was funny. He started saying random shit then said "yeah, I fucked up." Bahahaha

Everything is Alright
Feels Like Rain
My Favorite Accident
Let's Get Fucked up and Die
The Future Freaks me Out
Time Turned Fragile
Capital H
Attractive Today

I probably forgot some, but oh well. then I left with Danielle, Blake and some girl they were with. Got home, took a shower, went upstairs and went straight to sleep. That's about it. later bitches.
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