If you've read my regular journal, you know I'm answering phones at church. I'm bored, and trying to kill time without doing anything incriminating. Especially now that Father Roy is here.
I've decided that I'm going to join
ficlets100 and work on that this summer. Unlike my disastrous attempt at the
fanart50, which I may but probably won't return to, this challenge is to write a hundred short stories of exactly 100 words in length. I figure that's more my speed than trying to draw and make a fool out of myself with my terrible anatomy skills.
I need to put more icons on this baby. Maybe I'll do that later, since it's not a nice day out.
You know what? I'm feeling generous. Let's have a meme.
Comment with any character/pairing and one random word of your choosing, and I'll write you a couple of lines about it.
You guys know what I can and will write. Basically, if I've seen it, I'll write it. If I can't do it, I'll tell you and have you pick something else. But I can probably at least make a stab at it. So go ahead and comment in, I need something to do.