Jan 06, 2006 02:08
Arg. College apps were so much easier last year, when I didn't care. I'm applying for USC, with my fingers crossed, horseshoes hung, and clovers displayed. Haven't found any substantial livestock to sacrifice yet. Clackamas seems to be short on pure white bulls.
It appears my roommate situation isn't changing immediately, which is disappointing, but oh well. I'd rather use all of my good karma getting in to USC anyway. My schedule looks great though:
CS 161 @ 11am @ Linn Benton - M/W/F
MUS 494 @ 1pm @ Benton Hall - M/W
NMC 101 @ 11am @ Weniger 153 - T/R
ENG 125 @ 2pm @ Milam Auditorium - T/R
WR 121 @ 3:30pm @ Pharmacy 107 - T/R
Pretty nice. Only one Friday class, which means I can go home straight from there. This is awesome considering that I need to come home every weekend now for work. $100 for reffing 5 bball games is too good to pass up. ENG is my film class. MUS is my recording arts class. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the CS class. Doc Johnson said that CS 160 was recommended for 161, but not required. I didn't take it so I have no idea. Plus... the reason why I'm taking it at Linn Benton is because of a schedult conflict with the CS class at OSU, and the required math class for it. LB doesn't require the math class, and offers the CS at a good time. I don't know how that will affect me down the road though when I continue CS at OSU. If all goes well, and I'm accepted to USC, it won't matter because I'll just finish out prereqs in the spring, and not worry about the math/CS combo.
Oh, and since others were posting grades, I have a 3.86 for Fall Term. All As, and one B. In fucking health. I'm not too worried about it though since it was only a 2 credit class. For those that haven't taken the required HS yet, I don't know what to tell you really other than go over your notes over the course of the term - not just the night before the final. Also hope that your final is not at 7:30am. OH! You also need to finish your test as quickly as possible!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!!! If you don't, you'll have to wait in line to turn your test in for 45 minutes. I made the mistake of double checking my answers on the final, and it took longer to stand in line to turn in the final, than it did to take the test. Apparently kids in HS are confused by the request to "have your student I.D. ready, and your name on your test". This causes problems.
That's about it for now. Just wanted to take a break from application essay writing. I certainly have enough to write, since I need one application for USC in general, and one application for the Thornton School of Music. I'd post it for critiquing but it's kind of personal. It would also demystify why I never went to school my senior year! Can't have that now can I?
Wish me luck!