Jul 02, 2008 22:53
holy fucking gods. why in the fucking hell would someone file a lawsuit against philadelphia for making them prove they know thier history before they are allowed to be a tour guide? seriously. they're calling it an infringement of their right to free speech. isn't that some bullshit? they are not like commedians or singers or poets or such like that. they are teachers. i commend the city of brotherly love for trying to provide accurate information to tourists by liscencing the tour guides. fuck, they make teachers get certified to teach, why the hell can't they do the same for tour guides, who fucking teach? i don't want some dumb-ass telling me i'm looking at besty ross's toilet, when the sign clearly states that the toilet in question belonged to ben franklin. (btw, they really do have a place in philly where you look down a plateglass covered hole in the ground at the remains of ben franklin's toilet hole. swear to any god you want me to.) pissed me the hell off when i saw it on the ch10 news today.lawsuit probably filed by the dumbfucks that failed the test. i hope the judge either throws out the suit, or tells them to grow the fuck up and study harder. while laughing at them.