Someone badly needs a drink, and it's not Skyfire

Jan 28, 2008 23:01

A very large white Autobot with wings steps into Pyro's Bar; leaning lightly on Skyfire's arm is a silver-toned Autobot female. Though she keeps her step steady, the exhaustion and worse on her face is apparent to those who care to look ( Read more... )

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red_dancer January 29 2008, 07:46:47 UTC
Well, it's not Pyro behind the counter currently. Instead, it's a relatively new-hire, though bartending isn't one of her normal duties. Pyro's likely somewhere in the back, doing something Important. Either way, the red sigils on her might be comforting to Frostbite, if she were to look up as the small red 'bot walks up to them with a friendly smile. "Anything I can get you two? You look like you really need something." The last comment was directed at Frostbite.

OOC: For any Blogs characters that might have followed in and vaguely remember this journal that had a brief stint there... I took the character and rebooted her. She looks and sounds the same, but has a different name and is from a different universe.


attair_al_fada January 29 2008, 07:50:18 UTC
Skyfire nods at the Autobot femme. "Just some mid-grade for me. I may be the 'designated driver' here."

He looks frankly curious. "I see Pyro's opened up his hiring policies a bit. Used to be everyone that worked here were his old war buddies. How's it working out?"


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red_dancer January 29 2008, 08:08:04 UTC
Sashay nods as she grabs Skyfire's drink first. It's the easier to get, plus he ordered first anyways. "I walked in just as he was considering hiring more in-house entertainment. Lucky of me to be in the right place at the right time. It's a heck of a lot better than back home." She gets to do her main love (dancing), she has regular energon of a decent quality, and as long as no brawls happen on her watch, she doesn't have to fight.

She quirks an optic ridge at Frostbite's question. "I'm sorry, but no. I'm Sashay. I take it there's someone who looks like me running around with that name?" She slides a Tarn Black Nova over to the other car-femme, then grabs a stool to perch on on her side of the bar. She's no minibot, but Skyfire and Frostbite are definitely much taller than her.


attair_al_fada January 29 2008, 08:15:46 UTC
Skyfire looks at what Frostbite ordered with a slight widening of one optic. "Just stay away from the Kys's. Your alternate--the Frostbite I know--gave Photon quite the lecture for indulging in one."

A thought occurs to him, and he looks a bit concerned. "Forgive me for prying, but before you get too far into that, do you have any particular place to go from here? If not, you're welcome to stay at our Autobot City."

Rodimus takes in everyone. What's another Frostbite?


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red_dancer January 29 2008, 08:59:01 UTC
"I don't know how to make the Kyses anyways." Whether or not she'd ever learn...that's debateable. It's a question of if Pyro would want to teach her, and if she'd even want to learn.

She is still an Autobot after all, and most Autobots tend to frown on those drinks.

"The multiverse is an odd, odd place from what I'm finding out. Except for the name, she sounds very much like me. I used to be a dancer myself, before the war started, and that's what I usually do here. I haven't been on the Ark, though. It's still missing in my home universe." And that little tidbit dates her to sometime in the millions of years during the Great Shutdown... "I've heard of what happened to it from some of the folks passing through here, but their reawakening is still a long ways off at home."


strataseeker January 30 2008, 02:39:32 UTC
From just outside the door, there comes a rather... exuberant squeal of delight. Followed swiftly by a crash that sounds suspiciously like two mechs tumbling into each other.

From the pile of twisted limbs that comes flying through the door, that's exactly what appears to have happened.

"You're back! You're back, You're back, You're back, You're back!" a red Seeker crows cheerfully as she sprawls across the length of a rather recognizable white body tumbled to the floor underneath her. A matching Seeker, this one in black - are those red Autobrands emblazoned on her wings? And blue optics?? - strolls through the door shortly after to stand over the tangled pair, an eager, if somewhat restrained, smile plastered across her features.

"You have returned, have you not, Ratchet?" the black Seeker asks in a hopeful, and oddly familiar, voice as she peers anxiously down. "You have been sorely missed..."


attair_al_fada January 30 2008, 02:45:27 UTC
"You're more than welcome. It may be more easy-going than you're accustomed to. They call our reality 'the Truce-verse' for a reason," Skyfire tells Frostbite.

--then the commotion at the door catches his attention and he half-rises from his stool. "Ratchet?" he asks hopefully.


doc_ratchet January 30 2008, 02:47:38 UTC
Ratchet gazes up at the red Seeker pinning him with a slightly dazed look, shaking his head to clear the auditory interference from that squeal Strata had cut loose with right before pouncing him out of nowhere.

"Whoa! Slow down there, Strata!" he commands, shaking his head, hands coming up to rest on her shoulders. "Barely back from the dead two hours, and you're trying to put me right back there! Can't a mech even get a slagging drink before he gets tackled?"

His voice is teasing, despite the words, and there's a grin threatening to burst out across his features.

"Missed a lot of folks back here, too, Photon," he adds softly, giving up on suppressing the smile.

He doesn't seem to be going anywhere for the moment, tackled as he is, and so gives a quick once over across the bar - it sure looks different upside down - smile widening as his attention is drawn by that soft call of his name.

"Skyfire! Good to see you! Frostbite! Hey, when did you ditch the wings?"

Yeah. It's good to be back.


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red_dancer January 30 2008, 03:12:02 UTC
Sashay watches in amusement at the three that come in through the door. She doesn't know them, but an exuburent greeting is always amusing when it sends someone crashing to the floor.

"It's a Tarn Black Nova, and coming right up." As she gets to work on Frostbite's order, she pitches her voice over to the newcomers. "You three want anything?"


attair_al_fada January 30 2008, 03:30:40 UTC
"As it is to see you, old friend," Skyfire says. He looks intently at Ratchet; how had the experience changed him? "How are you? And can I buy you a drink?"


doc_ratchet January 30 2008, 05:19:26 UTC
"Mistaken iden..." Ratchet glances - still upside down from his perspective - from Frostbite-not-Frostbite to Skyfire and back again before gently pushing Strata off and sitting up. "Huh. Dunno why I never figured there's be more than one of you running around here," he observes with a half-smirk.

"Doors, by the way," he adds studiously blandly, as if continuing an old joke - which he is, really, just with the wrong mech. "Wings support one in flight. Right girls?"

He accepts the hand Photon extends to him to haul himself back to his feet, giving himself an all over shake before making his way over and taking the seat on the other side of Skyfire. Perhaps Skyfire, intently scruitinizing the former CMO, might notice a new air of... calm that seems to permeate the white mech. Outwardly, though, there is no obvious sign of the trauma he has undergone, left behind ( ... )


strataseeker January 30 2008, 05:44:46 UTC
Strata eyes Frostbite warily, turning that same dubious look on Ratchet as the medic tweaks the lawyer's "doorwings".

"She is totally not lubricated enough for me to get in the middle of that, Pop. You're on your own," Strata observes, climbing back to her feet. Her expression brightens, though, and she launches herself forward in another "attack-pounce", landing with her arms wrapped around Skyfire's shoulders from behind.

"And you're back, too! Been dull without you and you-know-who around!" she beams, hugging him for a long moment before dropping to take the seat between Photon and Ratchet.

"Nice to meet you, new-Frostbite. I'm Strata, this is Photon. And we'll just have a couple of high grades, please," she chirps to Sashay.

// SHIFTER!!! Come to Pyro's for a drink! Ratchet's back and we're celebrating!!! // Strata radios the Decepticon Eurofighter.


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