Jul 16, 2005 23:17
im mad at my boyfriend
hes so dumb
so the other week, i buy some marijuana
about three grams
which would last me like, four months
but i leave it at his house
and im like "damn"
and i say that ill just get it later
then he comes to my house a couple days later wearing sandals
cause he doesnt have shoelaces
so i give him a pair of my shoes
cause who would let him walk around in sandals
when its raining
then i go to his house today
and guess how much of that marijuana is left
a sliver
and when i leave, i take it with me
and hes like "your taking the pot?!"
and im like "...yeah...it is mine..."
and he says "but then i wont have any pot!"
and im like "so?"
and that was it.
now, dont focus on the part where it is pot
cause thats not the point
the point is that i leave something at my house
then i do something nice for him
and he takes advantage of my mistake
am i justified in being mad?
of course i am
but im very proud of myself
cause leaving him has crossed my mind
and it didnt scare me
but im going to give him another chance
or a couple
and ill just be more carefuil
and less generous
and see what happens.
i am the best
you know
its true.