Jan 04, 2006 08:37
oh man, yesterday was awesome XD. it made my whole month pretty much. being away from home for so long. and with like.. teh coolest kids evaaaar. =D though i know mom wasnt very happy that i didnt call
i think if i had jsut called and said i was gunna hang out at her place a little longer, then i'd have been okay. oh well. *shrug* oh man..i need to call for my license test. raaagh.
oh sweet jesus, i had a dream that i was gunna get my wisdom teeth taken out XD cus me and christiane were talking about it a bit last night at kevins. wow. such random dreams sometimes
which reminds me.. i need to do my fucking art project. fuuuuck. i think i'll start some of it today. just the sketch or something. and for my focus, i really think i wanna do pointalism. or whatever its called. where the picture is just made up of many little dots. that'd be such a cool focus project sort of thing. but i think it'd take a long time. ya know? hmmmm anywho, its something for me to think about. =D <3