Sep 06, 2010 22:00
My definition of love:
I should start by saying that I am tanked. I have had like 6 Crown and Cokes (actually Pepsi Maxx, which isn’t that bad.)
So, love, huh? Being married for two years, I guess I should know the answer to this question.
Here goes. I think it is of great importance, and Nick Hornby agrees with me people, that when sleeping in the same bed, you find that parts of you fit one another. I mean cheek in small of back and legs connected, and hands behind ears. You may think this sounds stupid, but I have never fit with another person like my husband and I do.
Another important quality of love: You have created inside jokes and are able to finish each other’s sentences. I mean jokes that you know longer know how or when they started. When I almost cried during our wedding, my now husband said, “Willlllbur,” in my ear and I lost my shit. I still can’t remember why that was originally funny to me.
Also important, your mate will think you are pretty, or handsome as the case may be, when you are snotty-nosed and puffy-eyed and hyperventilating.
Also a sign of true love? Finding yourself watching your significant other sleeping. This is actually how I decided to move 750 miles from my home to live with my now husband. He is god damned cute when he sleeps.
Anyway, I guess what really matters in the long-term sense of things is can you LIVE without this person? I obviously could function as a human being without my husband, but I wouldn’t like it as much. I appreciate him and he appreciates me and we make a good team of function.
Okay, boiled down to a base point, the first time I saw my husband, I deemed him a 9.8 on my 10 point scale. I thought he was one of the most beautiful things I had ever seen in my life and I still believe this. I have never seen Ewan McGregor in real life, but he may actually not be as hot as my husband. Let us pretend I never said this.
I am not an expert on this subject. This is merely what I know now, in this drunken state.