
Jul 04, 2005 00:40

FYI I've been stuck living in the speed of business. My company got merged (bought out) with "DRA" another company that does sort of the same thing that my company does, but it usually outsources everything that we do, so we're scared out of our minds that we won't have a job in the next six months (I can't wait to see how my Christmas season turns out). Having my mind on whether I'm going to be working in the near future is one thing, worrying about my dad that has fallen off of a 15 foot attic and fractured his 12th vertebra is another. The day before father's day my dad had his fateful accident that has left him in a back brace that he must keep on at all times for the next three months.
Em and I have been worried about money too because it seems that we make our cost of living right now and any time an extraneous cost comes about we're left to take it from our savings, which is getting less and less.
So I guess I've had a lot on my mind, all of these things and my MCSE class dragging on and tests it makes me insane. "Insane" from latin which means "un healthy", which is right on the money. The weather has been gloomy too, so all in all I've been depressed as of late.

My only hope has been that everyone else has been having better times than I, but as always I know that half of the world is much worse off than me and about 20% is much better off. So what has changed? Absolutely nothing.
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