Jul 29, 2005 20:40
I opened a bag of Oreos and to much regret did not discover the "Singing Oreo." "It's not lard it's fros-ting!"
I got home from work a while ago and I am not thrilled with the messy apartment my lovely boyfriend left for me. There is meat juice on the counter! Jerk. I'm more cranky that I have to be alone tonight. Though it is an entirely unjustified emotion because I elected to go away for a week. I'd be alone all that time anyway. Whats another day?
GQ has an interview with Newt Gingrich. I didn't finish reading it since I was at work and *gasp* actually working! This prep for the school year bull shit is in full swing. Whatever school!
My coworker has a mini button maker. She brought it in today and during some down time we ripped out ridiculous pictures from magazines and made buttons. I have one of Dolly Parton and some gay gospel singer that I have never heard of before. If people ask who they are I'm going to say "my parents" and then giggle at their confused squinting faces. It's a cool little button! I wore it around all day today. HA
Oh yes, I want a button maker now too.
Sunday night I leave for Georgia, so if you are going to be expecting a postcard let me know your address. And dont stay up watching the news for an obscure report of "California Woman Assaults Jimmy Carter Presidential Library Docent" because YOU ALL KNOW THE TRUTH! I get excited about Jimmy Carter stuff but assault?! Oh how the media LIES! I'll be back next Saturday night. Not that any of you care, because I'm going back to Berkeley right after.
Hey this ones for Kevin! Guess who came into work yesterday? Wrong. Tedford! That's right man. He was checking in on one of his players for not going to class or something. That man is intimidating. I'd hate to be the guy dating his daughter. *cough*murdershewrote*cough*
The sweater I ordered came today, and it is very cute. The book I ordered did not come. Hopefully it will by tomorrow, because I wanted to read it on the plane.
Thats it for now. I'm about to tackle the kitchen/pass out on my bed/pack like I've never packed before!