alright, so just a few things.
first of all, if you dont already know that my sister has had her perfect little baby yet, then you clearly dont follow me on twitter. get on that.
also, i came to a realization a few days ago.
so for those of you that know me well enough, you should be able to recall someone whom i once referred to as, "california matt."
if you remember that much, then you probably remember how head over heels i was for him, and how depressed i was once it fell apart.
there was also andrea. you should know who im talking about just by her name. heres i guess somewhat of a secret i have about andrea.
theres a good chance that you know that i had liked her back then. like, a lot. sure i was inbetween the ages of 12-15 at the time, but whatever. she was the person that i had decided i wanted to lose my virginity to. we kind of had a discussion about it once before. not about her being my first, but that there was a good possibilty of the two of us having sex. well, imagine my dissapoint to hear of her engagement?
anyway. none of that is here nor there. the point is that the two people whom ive probably felt the most connected to and felt such a way for, have the same birthday.
yeah. today. like, right now.
is it dumb that i think thats highly relavent?
anyway! heres pictures. they should tell the rest of the story.
alright. so they need some explaining. went to the presets show with tom. was very excited. still very happy about having gone. bought a shirt. ive already worn it. a lot.
Dominic turned 12. yeah. seriously, 12.
my bedroom. looking dramatic. this is where i am right now. and pretty much where i have been the past weekish.
and finally, halloween is soon, and im pretty exicted. gary and over while i was setting up the spider web, it was good times. im still not sure what im doing for halloween yet though, im assuming ill just be here watching over the house.
hmm. yeah. i think thats it.