Elisa backstory in all of it's glory!

Oct 10, 2030 18:26

For most of Elisa's life, she had been normal. Like any rebelious child, she never really got along with her mom. Their personalities differed almost to an extreme level; Elisa was so hard to make happy, and her mother was just a ball of sunshine. In all seriousness, it infuriated her. It lead to her rebeling from her mother a lot, which lead her to look extremely forward to becoming a trainer.

When she turned Ten, that's exactly what she did. Elisa had begun becoming a pyromaniac, playing around with every Cyndaquil that Professor Elm had before he passed them out to trainers starting their journeys. As such, it was exactly what Professor Elm gave her. Dubbing him 'Cinder', Elisa began her journey with a bang! She met her asshole rival Alec before returning to Professor Elm after being told to meet Mr. Pokemon; giving him the precious egg that was needed for his research to go on.

Time went on, and Elisa's Pokemon team kept growing in strength; and in numbers. Elisa began discovering the joy of Fire Pokemon. Sure, she caught several others; but none held a candle to how precious Cinder was. Many others joined the team, but four remained a constant. Cinder of course, was the apple of her eye. Pyre and Ember were close seconds; Ember perfectly fine with remaining someone to call on, but Pyre soon gained a rivalry with Cinder to gain Elisa's seal of perfection. All were loved equally; but another joined Elisa's team that no one ever thought she'd have.

Elisa had decided to take on the Bug Catching Contest; it was easy, really. Elisa had been catching a few Pokemon there, and trying to decide who to keep. A Venonat had taken a liking to Elisa, and Elisa found herself growning attached to the little one as well. The team had been a little wary, but soon openned up to the bug Pokemon as well. She never realised that this little bug would be her savng grace in battles.

Badge after badge was earned. Opponents were faced and triumphed. Even the battles against Team Rocket were triumphed with great joy. Elisa gladly trained her fire types to be the best they could be! Sure, many unusual shenanigans happened; lots of rememberable photos, accidentally burning part of Tin Tower, the Safari Zone, and...well, so many others. Elisa reminises from time to time over that...

None the less, Elisa was able to take on the Johto League. Opponents of different magnitudes were taken on, but not one moment was wasted in battle. Elisa was able to triumph them all; and was able to go to Kanto just for that. Elisa found out that she had much more trouble this time around; already three years on her journey, and Elisa was finding herself in need of true training. But she trained. Day and night, and she wouldn't be deteried from her goal.

On these new travels, Elisa met a new member of her own team; a skittish Rapidash with a great strength. With training, Dahlia became an essentail powerhouse to Elisa's team. Her biggest hurdle in the region; Misty, was soon taken out by Elisa's team of firey Pokemon. No trainer would stand a chance against them now!

Once the Earth Badge was gained, Elisa soon was ushered to Mt. Silver; to take on the one known as Red. Another year had gone by, and Elisa felt like she could do it. For the first few confrontations between the master trainer, Elisa had lost. The first loss was heartbreaking to Elisa's big pride, but she refused to give in until she won against him at last. Training in Mt. Silver for about six month's, she soon challenged him again. Within those months, she had challenged Red but once more; and the results were pretty decent.

It was when she finally beat him, that victory became just that much sweeter. She had been told by Professor Oak another region had been able to be accessed; Isshu. Elisa gladly took that chance to travel outside of her home, boarding the plane with her team in tow, on a new adventure...

One which would prove to be a rather new experience. Turns out Alec couldn't resist following; he still had a pride to uphold, and wanted to beat her. So many; Elisa lost count! But as always, Alec was the one gunning for her more than anyone; with a certain girl following close behind. Though young, she was gunning for Elisa harder than anyone. Elisa took her Pokabu, Alec his Mijumaru, and this weird girl a Tsutarja.

Every rival battle was...always different. Needless to say, at least Elisa found her battles with Alec to actually be a growing experiense. Battling the girl who called herself Trace, Elisa would win; while the girl had a lot of determination, Elisa always come on top. But it seemed to infuriate the girl to no end that she lost; a sore loser, in Elisa's book.

Catching new Pokemon from this region, she left her main Pokemon with Professor Araragi; she had promised she'd leave them for her to research, after all! Many new Pokemon were caught; this place had a healthy amount of fire types here. And the Pokabu she got was pretty damn strong too!

Even as such, Elisa really just kept on going through the Gym Leaders; Corn and Yacon presenting thr only true challenges to her until she faced off against Iris. Such a powerful young trainer...Elisa didn't mind going down in defeat merely once. Her rivalries intensified, but she was making amends with Alec. His Mijumaru had evolved into a Daikenki; Elisa's Pokabu had evolved into a Enbouh. And appearently from the looks of things, Trace's Tsutarja had evolved into a Jaroda. The bunch met in the Pokemon Center; all together for the first time.

But it was then and where Trace challenged them both to a double battle; Elisa looked to Alec with an almost confused look, but Alec just shrugged. Either way, the fight proved surprisingly hard; the girl was training, and training hard. She kept shouting nonsense about how she wasn't going to loose; her brother was an Ace damnit, and she was too!

She still lost none the less. Before the bunch could go on, they could hear a windbag outside; the same one they'd seen a few times before. Geechisu. It appeared as if the intentions of this man were becoming clear; this was not good. They knew they had to beat the the little girl in order to gain any information.

But this wasn't the end; oh no it wasn't.

The bunch, for the first time ever met a man known as N. They hadn't seen him much; he held his main focus on Touya, and Touko. For the most part, Elisa found herself confused; why would he confront her, in the Pokemon League of all places? Soon coming behind were Trace, Silver, and Touya; they'd gotten here seconds too late.

A Castle rose from the ground above, the four watching on in sheer awe as structure was built. So much confusion; what had happened to this kid? Had he lost his mind?

the whole deal

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