
Feb 26, 2013 23:07

Hey Karma, my old friend. For a while I was big into you back in like 2000. Then I figured you were a bunch of bull shit. Then... I think I figured you out, and you're kinda the secret of life.

Karma isn't what people think it is. It's not the idea of, if you do good things, good things will happen. If you do bad things, then bad things will happen. That's not it at all, that's just hoping people get what they deserve, and secret? They rarely do.

Karma is the idea that life molds and fits very appropriately based on who you are, how you think, what you do, and why you do it. In my sleep dep. stupor while at work, reading toradora, I kinda stopped reading the words and just thinking about how things happened in different stages in my life. I knew it then too, but things kinda always just worked out for me. I always say "I'll be okay". Always always in my life I've said that, because I am. I worked towards always being okay, and spent a lot of time on other people. The way life manipulated things back was by... always treating me okay. When I would set up something for someone else, life would respond to me accordingly.

Let me explain a little more in detail. With Jun, I purposely acted in a way to push her away because I believed that I wasn't good enough for her, and that she deserved much much much more. But I always took care of the things I needed to take care of concerning being her boyfriend and, well frankly, her financial support. Not being with her I saved up a decent amount of money, and I had no aim or goal with that money at the time. "I'll always be okay... not great, not good, but okay". So of course, something comes along to where I need to use that money up and be "just okay". Yeah, that's kind of a bleak and circumstantial way to look at it. But really really think about your own life and how it's worked out that way almost every time. That's just one example but I can think of thousands in my own life where everything that happened just managed to fit perfectly to respond to what I was doing and why I did it.

Even with just the Jun example, I can think of so many different things that just worked out that way. Hell... moving to socal worked out that way. The presentation of it came up in the perfect manner of how I was acting and why.

Karma is life giving back what you expect. You create your world, the world just replies accordingly. There's no reason to settle, or be okay, be happy with what you have and strive for more, and the world will do its thing to help reach that too. The world is just a mirror of yourself you can say. It'll treat you, based on how you see yourself.
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