More than Puppy Love

Apr 27, 2009 17:03

"If you wanted the most exotic, expensive Egyptian animal, I would get it for you. I wouldn't be able to afford it, but I'd steal it if you wanted it."
-my baby

I GOT A NEW CELLPHONE!!!!! Doo-dah doo-dah! And the guy who sold it to me had a half front tooth and may have been hitting on me because there's no way he charged me enough and it was kinda sketchy cause he gave me his card and was like, "If you have ANY problems or questions or ANYthing, just give me a call." I'm hoping he says that to everyone. That seems like a normal thing to say to a customer, right?

But ya, cellphone is sexy, it's a Samsung Cleo u440. But it's square. And it's a blue with deep blue flowers on it ANNNND it has a camera. I'm very excited about this new phone guys. I still need to add you in now that I've got the hang of how it works. PICTURE:

The reason I got it was because I wasn't getting some of my texts and it cost me like $75 on pay as you go for a week since I was texting so much. My dad was LIVID! Livid I tell you (although I'm not sure why because I was paying for it ...). So now I have a plan with unlimited texting and unlimited talking after 7pm-8am the next day and weekends are free. I love it. And it's only $30 a month. I win =D

And I'm sure you've all read/heard about my boyfriend by now so I won't gush again. My family thinks his name is the most hilarious/ironic thing in the world annnnd I resent them for it ahah whatever, I'm happy.

//my sister drew a pirate andher teacher turned it into a nazi


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