OOC: Charlie and the Push

Jan 04, 2011 11:50

It took me all this time to realize I didn't include Charlie's Push ability on the power list of my info post.

Fail, fail.


The Push and You:

The Push -always written with a capital P- is Charlie's mind manipulation ability, and perhaps the power best described on Firestarter, as she inherited it from her father, Andrew McGee. Put in simple terms, it's an hypnotic suggestion that 'convinces' the subject of what was said to him/her, making it a self-hypnosis suggestion, erasing the need for Charlie to maintain control over the target. Anime people might think Lelouch's Geass from Code Geass as a more or less accurate example -he, after all, did ordered some guys to act in some ways and react to certain words way after he had used his power, and let's not forget the girl that kept making marks on the wall. Poor girl >.>


Charlie, differently from Andy, can Push people without suffering brain damage, which is good. Her Push is also a lot stronger, and if she Pushes someone too hard, his/her brain might very well melt due to the sheer power. The force behind the Push is directly related to the lasting effect of the same -Andy Pushed someone with the 'sleep' command so hard he simply fell into a comma-like state...and would revert to it every time someone mentioned the word sleep again- and leaves less space to the person to fight the command.

Being the hypnotic suggestion it is, the Push might sometimes trigger things Charlie isn't taking in count, like repressed memories, fears, which usually start to grow out of control until they drive the person Pushed insane; another Push in time can erase these effects, though.

In Fandom, Charlie won't use the Push unless someone actively asks her to, and only if it's for a good reason; she doesn't like to manipulate people, and in her time on the run, she used it for the sake of staying alive, and she made profit out of it only when she had no money whatsoever. Anyone capable of holding their own against Charlie's telepathy have a fighting chance against her Push, although a certain level of skill would be needed to completely shrug it off.

That would be it. Any questions, here please~

etc: charlie's powers, etc: ooc, info: infopost

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