May 05, 2009 14:16
ahh i have a finance exam tomorrow and i'm completely and entirely procrastinating studying and it's pretty bad since i reallllyy need to study for this exam.
i did pretty well on all of my other midterms but i just have no motivation to study today and really just want to go nap all day long and watch movies.
however, this weekend im seeing julia who i havent seen in weeks and also casey who i havent seen in foreverrr b4 she goes off to south africa woohoo and other peoplesss too. its week 6 and i want to be DONE already, everyone else is like finishing for the year and i'm not even done with midterms yet!! :-(
also my summer scheduale planning is not going well. drexel sucks with their offering of summer courses. lame.
the weather is also putting me in a bad mood. um why cant it be summer and amazingly nice yet?