Aug 29, 2006 23:55
well, i'm marching piccolo this year (which is slightly annoying because i'm starting to go a wee bit deaf), and yea KKPsi and TBS do everything for the band, but it cool, i've met some crazy awesome ppl through the rush events. both KKPsi and TBS do their rush events differently from all the other sororities/fraternities, and the party i went to saturday night was a pretty much a free for all. college is insane and i miss everyone and i hope everything is going well for you guys. from a universal standpoint, colleges have the crappiest parking EVER. well, i g2g, jose is whining again. lol, i'll ttyl and i'll try to update again soon!
ps: katie and chels i hope you guys are having a great time over at FIU and UCF- it's really crazy not seeing you guys in class anymore and i miss you both mucho :(