Apr 30, 2004 19:41
So, my sophomore year here at SLU is almost over. Well. I don't have any more classes, and that is a beautiful thing. As far as exams go, Monday will be a lot of memorization (french..i never paid attention anyway) I have a take home (or can do in class) Thusday morning, adn one thursday afternoon. They are both essay exams and are open notes/books. Sweet, right? Friday I have an exam in Mineralogy, but I understand it entirely too well to do anything less than well...I hope...with just a little bit of studying. So, next week is devoted to my beloved fellowship.
Tonight, Joel and I are ordering pizza and hanging out in Lee hall...my old dorm. It reminds me of the good ole times. He has to do laundry, and we will prolly just chill, listen to music, etc.
Rebecca told me that she doesn't think I am making some of the right decisions...she's likely right. But, its all about the journey, right peke?
and I know that you will always be there, no matter what.
Katie's car got backed into. Bitch in the parking lot...grrr.
hmm...ok...quote time i guess...hooray for lyrics
Oh, before that, I got the MOST hilarious thing from Michaela today...she says MSU wants to make sure that I have safe sex, so she snet me a pretty green condom in a matchbox container. Matchbox thing, cute, but it shows condoms on the cover, so its entirely not discrete.
Nevermind the quotes, I'm too lazy.