Apr 06, 2005 20:58
As many of you know, I went back to Michigan for my 21st birthday, and it was great because there ended up being about 50 people who came out to see me..at least! Pictures ought to be hilarious, too. I would absolutely love to thank everyone for coming, or calling (Mike Markel), to wish me a good one. Seeing you all there was just about the best thing ever, and I know I may have been too drunk to say it, and there may have been too many people for me to remember saying it to everyone, but seriously, thanks.
Katie- thanks for reminding me of the drinks i was supposed to drink, even though i kind of failed. Thanks, too, for taking pictures and catching the amazing flaming red head on camera. You're the worst friend I ever had ;) I can't wait to take my mom out for your birthday...I want to see the look on her face after she does a 3 Wise Men, hehehe!
Rebecca- hoebag, thanks for comin out, it meant a lot to me. Thank Troy for his attendance at the Munger party of the year, too. I appreciate muchly the bible of cocktails...a bible of cocks might have been better, seeing as how you're just watching my morals slide away, but hey, oh well.
Angela- it was an 8 hour drive to a place you've never been to see people who have made me the insane freak i've become...and you absolutely loved it. They loved you, too. MaryJean thinks you're so cute, and if you ask Katie, being on MJ's good side is a wonderful place to be.
Emmers and Danny- YOU ROCK MY SOCKS OFF!!! Thanks so much for taking off of work, for coming to my party, for being my good friends, and for planning to come up for senior week! I can't wait to party with you guys again!!! I love you both so much. Emmers, lay off the upper arm, we gotta look sexy as hell for the TATER FEST this summer!
Thanks to all of you for mingling and otherwise enjoying my family...it really makes me so happy to see you all having a good time with the Smrecak and Lynch clan every now and again. I love you all so much.
In other news, I hit up the Blues last night, and that was great, too. Louie, Ang, Josh, me, and Udu all went down, met a bunch of people there, and even a small contingent from Clarkson showed up.
My friends rock my world! I LOVE YOU ALL!