May 20, 2011 19:13
Tomorrow is Saturday. The 21st. And that day will mark the first dog show Princess will be entered in. It's not a major one or anything, it's just a little town dog show. But I'm taking this most seriously.
I've already bathed Princess and now she smells delicious. I sniff her every now and again.
I've already picked out her outfit. It's red with white polka dots and she's going to be wearing a white and red necklace.
I'm going to be entering her in best dressed and she better win. Because she's so cute. And everyone should know it. That ribbon will be worn by her everywhere she goes. So everyone can bow down to her and revel in her awesomeness.
In other news:
I'll probably be going to my granny's in the next few days. Because I want to.
I am in LOVE with Butterfly Flower from Bath and Body. I am extremely sad that they are going to be discontinuing it, but I will buy a shit ton. And bathe in it and smell lovely.
I am excited for the SAS sale in June. I almost can't wait. I've got several $10 off of $30 coupons that I plan on using. They just better have stock. Or I'mma be mad.
I've got an appointment on Tuesday to get a crown over the tooth that had the root canal. Yay. I swear, the dentist is, like, my second home.
But whatevs. Hopefully the irritation will be lessened by Princess' win. *crosses fingers*
I think that is all. I'm going to go watch Law and Order: Criminal Intent. Because Vincent D'Onofrio is a sexy son of a bitch. *drools*