render with the power of a thousand computers!

Dec 12, 2005 14:35

in class waiting for our final to render. it's decent. if we had more time and skillz it could be better. but it's pretty good considering. it's really funny and lame. i will be hiding behind my scarf when it's critiqued in class.

oh my god finals = stress. gahahhaha

3d modeling
- get the envelopes to flippin work (today hopefully)
- make many heads
- morph into phonics
- set up morphers
- figure out why there is magpie and do it
- animate body
- render and turn in (by wednesday)

- model arms/hands/face (wednesday night???)
- smooth and tweak
- texture (by friday)

survey of modern and contemp art.
- concept art
- scan all art
- write up summeries
- put in power point (by friday)
- write speech (by thursday)

I am screwed. FABULOUS!

I have almost all of my christmas shopping done. i don't have many of the presents yet though. the wonders of ebay. Ebay owns my soul.

Ok kids. I'm coming home Monday I think. I'll be home until the 26th. Hopefully I'll get to hang out with guys! Then I need to get back to PA to work and to finish setting up my house and sewing my costumes. Ohayocon is the 6th!!!!
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